Gather East

We are pausing: amplified live performances, socials, private parties.

Gather will remain open for: tea, dates, studying, breakups, laughter, napping, all these things et cetera.

February 2024

✦✦✦ Upcoming Happenings ✦✦✦

give us ur trustfund

Q & A:

What is this place? A third space.

What is available to me? Teas, coffee, tools, art supplies, books, curated thrift, conversation.

Can I host something here? You can do whatever you like. Limit your event to 10 or so people and then tell us about it so we can put it on the calendar.

Does it cost anything? No.

How can I support? Buy a tea and hang out.

Do u have alcohol? We’re exploring a sober curious approach this year. You can BYO, but we request that you patronize or donate to the space if so.