Welcome to Engine Zuki
Your friendly robot companion.
Sample data: This is the home page where you can interact with Zuki.
Sample data: Here you can add and view your notes.
Sample data: Manage your reminders here.
Sample data: Listen to your favorite tracks here.
Simple game coming soon... Stay tuned!
Sample data: Enjoy some fun games here.
Settings & Instructions
Project Features
- Home (Robot Face): Displays an animated robot face with dynamic emotions that follow your cursor.
- Speech Input: Use the text box to speak and have your words transcribed.
- Notes: Create and manage simple notes.
- Reminders: Add reminders for tasks.
- Music: Play audio files from a local soundbank.
- Game: A placeholder for a simple game (more features coming).
- Arduino Connection: Connect to your Arduino via the Web Serial API.
How to Use
Use the navigation bar at the top to switch between features. On the Home page, click "Connect Arduino" to initiate a serial connection with your Arduino. Use the mood controls to change the robot's facial expression, and watch as the face follows your cursor. Speak into the speech box to have your speech transcribed.
Sample data: Adjust your settings and read instructions here.