Harmony Last Stand - Code Overview

This page provides an overview of all the code used in the game Harmony Last Stand. You can copy and paste the code snippets as needed.

Folder / File Description
Assets The root folder for all your project assets.
Scripts Place all your scripts here for easy access. Keep them organized by function or type.
 PlayerController.cs Player movement and basic actions
 BasicAttackScript.cs Charging and releasing the basic attack
 HeavyAttackScript.cs Heavy attack actions
 InspireTroopsScript.cs Inspiring and commanding troops
 DodgeRollScript.cs Player's dodging/rolling actions
 LaserBeamScript.cs Laser beam projectile actions
 ElementalRelicScript.cs Elemental relic behavior and abilities
 EnemyScript.cs Enemy movement, attacks, and abilities
 EnemySpawnManagerScript.cs Enemy wave management and spawning logic
 BossScript.cs Final boss battle mechanics
 ObjectiveManagerScript.cs Game objectives and progression logic
 UIManagerScript.cs User interface management
 GameControllerScript.cs Game session management and scoring
Prefabs Store reusable GameObjects, including player characters, enemies, elemental relics, and UI elements.
 PlayerPrefab Player character prefab
 EnemyPrefabs Enemy prefabs
 ElementalRelicPrefabs Elemental relic prefabs
 UIPrefabs UI element prefabs
Folder / File Description
Assets The root folder for all your project assets.
 Scripts Place all your scripts here for easy access. Keep them organized by function or type.
 Prefabs Store reusable GameObjects, including player characters, enemies, elemental relics, and UI elements.
 Materials, Textures, Audio Organize your project's graphical and audio assets here.
 Scenes Keep your game scenes separate for clarity. Each scene corresponds to a different part of the game (e.g., MainMenu, Gameplay, Victory, GameOver).
 Animations Store animation assets if you have any character or object animations.
 Shaders, Fonts, Plugins, StreamingAssets, Editor, Resources Use these folders as needed for special assets, custom editor scripts, third-party plugins, streaming data, etc.
 ... (Continue the rest of the hierarchy)  ... (Add descriptions for the other folders and files)

Site Map (Table Format)

Script Name Description Attached To Responsible For
PlayerController Player movement and basic actions Player GameObject Player movement and basic actions
BasicAttackScript Charging and releasing the basic attack Player GameObject Basic attack logic
HeavyAttackScript Heavy attack actions Player GameObject Heavy attack logic
InspireTroopsScript Inspiring and commanding troops Player GameObject Troop management and inspiration
DodgeRollScript Player's dodging/rolling actions Player GameObject Dodging and rolling behavior
LaserBeamScript Laser beam projectile actions Laser Beam GameObject Laser beam projectile behavior
ElementalRelicScript Elemental relic behavior and abilities Elemental Relic GameObjects Elemental relic interactions
EnemyScript Enemy movement, attacks, and abilities Enemy GameObjects Enemy behavior and interactions
EnemySpawnManagerScript Enemy wave management and spawning logic Spawn Manager GameObject Enemy wave spawning
BossScript Final boss battle mechanics Boss GameObject Final boss behavior and abilities
ObjectiveManagerScript Game objectives and progression logic Objective Manager GameObject Game objectives and progression
UIManagerScript User interface management UI elements User interface elements management
GameControllerScript Game session management and scoring Game Controller GameObject Overall game flow and scoring

This site map provides an overview of the key scripts and their responsibilities in the "Harmony's Last Stand" project. You can use this as a reference when planning and organizing your project's development.

Code Snippet 1

Player Controller Code

                using UnityEngine;

                public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
                    // Reference to the VR camera rig or player's head
                    public Transform vrCamera;
                    // Buttons and triggers
                    public OVRInput.Button basicAttackButton = OVRInput.Button.One;
                    public OVRInput.Button heavyAttackButton = OVRInput.Button.Two;
                    public OVRInput.Button inspireTroopsButton = OVRInput.Button.PrimaryHandTrigger;
                    // Movement
                    public float moveSpeed = 3.0f;
                    // Dodge/Roll
                    public float dodgeSpeed = 5.0f;
                    // Basic Attack
                    private bool isChargingBasicAttack = false;
                    private float basicAttackChargeTime = 5.0f; // 5 seconds charge time
                    private float basicAttackChargeTimer = 0.0f;
                    void Update()
                        // Get input from Oculus Quest 2 controller
                        Vector2 stickInput = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.PrimaryThumbstick);
                        // Move the player in the direction of the controller
                        Vector3 moveDirection = vrCamera.TransformDirection(new Vector3(stickInput.x, 0, stickInput.y)) * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                        // Check for basic attack (A Button for Oculus Quest 2)
                        if (OVRInput.GetDown(basicAttackButton))
                        if (isChargingBasicAttack)
                            basicAttackChargeTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                            // Check if the player has charged for the specified time
                            if (basicAttackChargeTimer >= basicAttackChargeTime)
                        // Check for heavy attack
                        if (OVRInput.GetDown(heavyAttackButton))
                        // Check for inspire troops button
                        if (OVRInput.GetDown(inspireTroopsButton))
                        // Check for dodge/roll
                        if (OVRInput.Get(heavyAttackButton) && !Mathf.Approximately(stickInput.magnitude, 0))
                    void StartChargingBasicAttack()
                        // Implement logic to start charging the basic attack
                        isChargingBasicAttack = true;
                        basicAttackChargeTimer = 0.0f;
                        // Play charging animation or effects
                        Debug.Log("Charging Basic Attack...");
                    void ReleaseBasicAttack()
                        // Implement logic to release the basic attack (fire the laser beam)
                        isChargingBasicAttack = false;
                        // Play the laser beam effect and sound
                        // Reset the charge timer
                        basicAttackChargeTimer = 0.0f;
                    void FireLaserBeam()
                        // Implement logic to create and fire the laser beam
                        Debug.Log("Firing Laser Beam!");
                        // Create the laser beam GameObject and position it at the player's hand
                        GameObject laserBeam = Instantiate(laserBeamPrefab, handTransform.position, handTransform.rotation);
                        // Add force or velocity to the laser beam to make it move forward
                        Rigidbody laserBeamRigidbody = laserBeam.GetComponent();
                        laserBeamRigidbody.velocity = laserBeam.transform.forward * laserBeamSpeed;
                        // Set a timer to destroy the laser beam after a certain time
                        Destroy(laserBeam, laserBeamDuration);
                    void HeavyAttack()
                        // Implement heavy attack logic here
                        Debug.Log("Heavy Attack");
                    void InspireTroops()
                        // Implement inspire troops logic here
                        Debug.Log("Inspire Troops");
                    void DodgeRoll(Vector2 dodgeDirection)
                        // Implement dodge/roll logic here
                        Vector3 moveDirection = vrCamera.TransformDirection(new Vector3(dodgeDirection.x, 0, dodgeDirection.y)) * dodgeSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

Code Snippet 2

Entwined Sprites

            using UnityEngine;
            public class EntwinedSprites : MonoBehaviour
                public int health = 100; // Adjust as needed
                public Transform target; // The player or VR companion
                public float moveSpeed = 2f; // Movement speed of the enemy
                public float attackRange = 2f; // Attack range of the enemy
                public int damage = 10; // Damage dealt to the player or companion
                private bool isAttacking = false;
                void Update()
                    if (!isAttacking)
                        // Move towards the target (player or companion)
                        if (target != null)
                            Vector3 direction = (target.position - transform.position).normalized;
                            transform.Translate(direction * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                public void TakeDamage(int damage)
                    health -= damage;
                    if (health <= 0)
                void Die()
                    // Add death animation or logic here
                // Attack the player or companion
                public void Attack()
                    if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position) <= attackRange)
                        // Deal damage to the target
                        PlayerController playerController = target.GetComponent();
                        if (playerController != null)
                        // Set a cooldown to prevent continuous attacks
                        isAttacking = true;
                        Invoke("ResetAttackCooldown", 1.0f);
                void ResetAttackCooldown()
                    isAttacking = false;
                // Add any other necessary functions for enemy behavior here

Code Snippet 3

Mossy Twines

            using UnityEngine;

            public class MossyTreants : MonoBehaviour
                public int health = 200; // Adjust as needed
                public Transform target; // The player or VR companion
                public void TakeDamage(int damage)
                    health -= damage;
                    if (health <= 0)
                void Die()
                    // Add death animation or logic here
                // Add any other necessary functions for enemy behavior here

Code I'm working o n that's not working

    using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform vrCamera;
    public float moveSpeed = 3.0f;
    private bool isChargingBasicAttack = false;
    private float basicAttackChargeTime = 5.0f;
    private float basicAttackChargeTimer = 0.0f;
    public GameObject laserBeamPrefab;  // Assign this in the Unity Inspector
    public Transform handTransform;     // Assign this in the Unity Inspector
    public float laserBeamSpeed = 10f;  // Speed of the laser beam
    public float laserBeamDuration = 5f;// Time to destroy the laser beam

    // Initialize XR Node references
    private List nodeStates = new List();
    private Vector2 primary2DAxis;

    void Update()

        // Get input from the controllers
        UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice device = GetDevice(UnityEngine.XR.XRNode.RightHand);
        if (device.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.primary2DAxis, out primary2DAxis))
            // Your code for movement
            Vector3 moveDirection = vrCamera.TransformDirection(new Vector3(primary2DAxis.x, 0, primary2DAxis.y)) * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        // Your code for other functionalities
        // For example, for a basic attack:

        if (device.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.primaryButton, out bool primaryButtonPressed) && primaryButtonPressed)

        if (isChargingBasicAttack)
            basicAttackChargeTimer += Time.deltaTime;
            if (basicAttackChargeTimer >= basicAttackChargeTime)

        // Implement the rest of your functionalities similarly

    private void UpdateNodeStates()

    private UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice GetDevice(UnityEngine.XR.XRNode node)
        UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice device = new UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice();
        foreach (var item in nodeStates)
            if (item.nodeType == node)
                device = UnityEngine.XR.InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(node);
        return device;

    void StartChargingBasicAttack()
        isChargingBasicAttack = true;
        basicAttackChargeTimer = 0.0f;
        Debug.Log("Charging Basic Attack...");

    void ReleaseBasicAttack()
        isChargingBasicAttack = false;
        Debug.Log("Released Basic Attack!");
        basicAttackChargeTimer = 0.0f;

 void FireLaserBeam()
    // Implement logic to create and fire the laser beam
    Debug.Log("Firing Laser Beam!");

    // Create the laser beam GameObject and position it at the player's hand
    GameObject laserBeam = Instantiate(laserBeamPrefab, handTransform.position, handTransform.rotation);

    // Add force or velocity to the laser beam to make it move forward
    Rigidbody laserBeamRigidbody = laserBeam.GetComponent();
    laserBeamRigidbody.velocity = laserBeam.transform.forward * laserBeamSpeed;

    // Set a timer to destroy the laser beam after a certain time
    Destroy(laserBeam, laserBeamDuration);

                    void HeavyAttack()
                        // Implement heavy attack logic here
                        Debug.Log("Heavy Attack");
                    void InspireTroops()
                        // Implement inspire troops logic here
                        Debug.Log("Inspire Troops");
                    void DodgeRoll(Vector2 dodgeDirection)
                        // Implement dodge/roll logic here
                        Vector3 moveDirection = vrCamera.TransformDirection(new Vector3(dodgeDirection.x, 0, dodgeDirection.y)) * dodgeSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

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